Defining my Needs

By Em - July 23, 2019

I've been itching to draw out plans and get started, but reminding myself not to be so eager that I jump in before my plans are fully fleshed out.

I've had a lot of ideas around my needs for my platform and I need to get organized. I drew out a mind-map to visualize my needs in three categories: comfort, capacity and convenience. 

Here is my mind map in all it's glory:

I personally enjoy drawing when brainstorming, but if you're looking for some tools to help you build a mind map, this is a good resource.

I'm going to reference my mind map frequently while working on my designs, rejecting and improving upon less-than perfect plans.

I love work exchanges better than exchanging money with friends. My friends Gabe and Aleks have a construction and landscaping company, Freeman Construction, down in Colorado Springs and occasionally I'll work a few days for them. Last week I helped them for a couple days building a deck, so I'm heading down to Colorado Springs next week to cash in on a trade and get some help building the platform, which gives me a week to solidify my plans.

Tools + expertise + use of materials leftover from job sites + time with good people = $$$

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